Hi, my name is Catherine and I created GionFestival.org. I respect your privacy and your desire to keep your life simplified. My privacy policy is to follow the Golden Rule: I will never sell or share your information without your permission. That’s what I would like for myself.
This site collects Google Analytics so my team and I can learn from visitors’ journey through this website. This helps us understand which parts of the website interest visitors the most or the least. We use this data to help us improve the quality of what I share with you on this site.
As the GionFestival.org creator, I maintain this site and protect your privacy to the best of my ability.
I work with SEO and website development professionals to help me, but is I am far from a web professional myself. There may be third-party tracking I’m not aware of yet. This may be related to, for example, website plugins installed on the site. But I’m doing my best to prevent this.
If you notice or suspect that your privacy has been compromised on this site, please use the contact page to let me know, so I can address it. Thanks.
Firstly, you will be sent a confirmation email. You have to click the link to confirm your subscription. After that you’ll receive a welcome email, then a second email with a link my online interactive maps. I made these maps myself. These are my gift for your interest in my site, and for entrusting me with your information.
As of August 2024, I send subscribers one email at New Year’s to share the previous years’ activities and look ahead to the upcoming year. On a few occasions I have emailed select subscribers to let them know about an upcoming Gion Matsuri-related event, in case they might like to join.
I’m considering sending out a monthly (or less frequent) email notifying subscribers of new blogs, related to the Gion Matsuri, its spiritual traditions, and generative travel.
I’m committed to protecting your privacy, and keeping this website a clean and pleasant site to navigate.
Thanks for your interest. May all our efforts help make this world a more beautiful place to coexist.